Margaret Ann Bailey Addresses Senior Citizen Issues. E-mail from Ms Bailey covers topic not in the cover story of the Clarksburg paper.
What are the issues of concern to the membership of the Harrison County Senior Citizens' Center (HCSC) and why are they asking for the Board members to resign?
The Advisory Council of the HCSC is composed of members from every satellite, club and organization. After formal attempts were made to communicate to the Board of Directors the concerns of the membership within the Advisory Council, and after no apparent response came to these problems, the Advisory Council agreed upon the following items to be presented to the 5/16 board meeting. Please keep in mind that these points are made by the Advisory council and not any specific individual (s).
1. Parking - The Advisory Council expresses their deep disappointment with the fact that the Board of Directors has failed repeatedly to successfully address the lack of available parking at the Harrison County Senior Citizens Center. The parking problems have reached a critical state.
2. Consultant - The Advisory Council will, at the present time, neither endorse nor support the further extension of a contract, memorandum of understanding, or any other written or verbal agreement involving any compensation for services, travel or work expenses, and/or compensation for reward of any future accomplishments by or for any Consultants. ($48,000 has already been paid to present consultant).
3. Board of Directors - On this issue a formal recommendation will be forthcoming which will include the following points:
A. The membership on the current Board is too many in number. 11-13 people on the Board is recommended. (Currently 16 members)
B. The current by-laws were originally adopted in 1984...22 years ago.... with several amendments since adoption. It is felt that these by- laws need to be reviewed and updated.
C. The current by-laws that address who shall serve on the Board of Directors and how they are to be selected reflect a process which has historically excluded Senior Center member involvement and appear to contribute to the existence of a single opinion or loaded Board of Directors. Only two members are elected by the Seniors themselves.
The current By-laws (adopted in 1984) state:
The following shall be represented by one member:
Harrison County Commission,
City of Clarksburg,
Central West Virginia Transit Authority,
Harrison County Ministerial Association,
Central WV Pharmacist,
Harrison County NAACP,
Greater Clarksburg Associates,
Consumer Representatives - a card carrying member of the HCSC, a minimum of 3, not to exceed 5,
Senior Citizen Advisory Board,
Harrison County Health Department,
Veteran -- a member of the VFW,
Satellite Council President.
D. The current Board appears to neither want nor endorse opinions or comments from Senior members and often appears to become caustic and verbally abusive to both Senior members and other Board members. The Board frequently states that the Seniors’ will not be allowed to vote on important matters (e.g. a new Senior Center!) and that Senior involvement is not needed. The rule of thumb appears to be the oft spoken statement that it is a Board decision and not a Senior decision .
E. The Advisory Council will recommend that the following Board Members should remain on the Board of Directors during this transition period and help to form a new Board following state mandated guidelines and a revised set of by-laws that will be inclusive of direct Senior involvement:
County Commission,
Clarksburg City Council,
Advisory Council President ,
Satellite President,
Consumer (Seat from former Senior Care).
F. All other present Board members, including the current Board President, are respectfully requested to tender their resignations in a timely manner and allow the re-organization to begin.
G. The Advisory Council will further recommend that the State Bureau of Senior Services be informed of this request for evaluation and action.
(End of Paper)
As a further point of clarification, I did resign my seat on the Board of Directors as I was not able to speak out for several reasons on important senior Issues as needed. (I will be happy to provide if requested) I am the Vice President of the current Advisory Council (I did not resign from this Council as previously reported in the newspaper). I am proud to stand with the Seniors and be an advocate for positive changes to improve the quality of life. When the following statement is made in an open meeting that a survey of Senior opinion regarding a new senior center should not include many of the senior population and only include "baby boomers" because the Seniors won't be around to use it, may well reflect a much greater problem.
I am determined to take these issues to the highest levels of state government in order to secure the voice of the Senior membership.
The whole issue of the seniors being able to vote on important matters is not even based on a "Yes or no" outcome or issue. It is merely giving them the right to state their opinion and let their voice be heard within their own organization. The outcome is not the issue. It is the process, the right to speak freely in a democratic process and the restoration of the Senior voice that matters.
Margaret Ann Bailey