Thursday, May 18, 2006

High Gas Prices cause Hiram Lewis's Check to bounce to John Raese Hiram Lewis, who lost to John Raese in the GOP Senate race, bounced a check to Raese's radio company.

The Morgantown lawyer wrote the $1,227 check to West Virginia Radio Corp. for ad spots in an eleventh-hour push to reach voters before the May 9 primary. ...

Gasoline for the RV, planning a victory party and other costs depleted the campaign's bank account, he said. His treasurer didn't keep all the receipts, he said.


Blogger wvlawyer said...

oh lighten up, Gunnie--didn't you ever bounce a check before?

5/19/2006 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've bounced a check before too. However, I am a single mom with an income of less than $30,000 a year. Sometimes it's hard making ends meet. Mr. Lewis is a millionaire and drives an RV worth as much as my home. If he can't manage his check book, I don't want him representing my state.

5/19/2006 10:55:00 PM  
Blogger Gundovald said...

Monday, May 22, Hiram says the account will be straight and he will be able to pay the debts. No, I never bounced a check. I have, however, postponed payment of a bill or two out of necessity. I was mostly amused that the price of fuel for his RV was disrupting the excellence of his book keeping system.

5/22/2006 12:26:00 AM  

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