Can Mike put his left hand on the Bible and his right hand up in the air and swear to God that he will uphold the laws of WV and the Constitution of the United States ? His first step, the day after the election, is to conspire with the principal of Bridgeport High School to thwart federal court decisions in regard to the decision that makes illegal the government display of Sallman's "Head of Christ"? (See Exponent-Telegram, front page, May 10 2006)
We all know that the meaning of the Constitution is determined by court interpretation. None of us like all of the decisions. But 99% of us obey the law. What will Mike do? Will he cross his fingers on the Bible, so he can continue to be part of the community that wishes to defy our civil law and constitution. Will you lie to God on that Bible so you can keep a human artist's interpretation of Jesus on display in a government building, as demanded by a government employee, a principal, with a captive audience of children from various backgrounds and beliefs?
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Mike Queen wins seat on Board of Education and immediately conspires to not take Oath of Office seriously!
We can only hope so!
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