The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (like the Pew Foundation) backing this report has been hijacked by left wing nut cakes on their board of directors and in their administration offices. This large foundation has had it's mission jerked far away from the wishes of the founder/philanthropist RJW of J+J fame. RJW seemed keenly interested in promoting free enterprise and personal responsibilty, so it seems incongruous for these foundations to fund unnecessary studies producing conclusions that were self evident from the get-go and then have other wacko left wing groups carry the water and go running to the state apparatus and agents for 'action', all the while blaming businessmen, corporations and parents for not doing the right 'socially responsible' thing. These directors and administrators -- like the college and university professors found in large state run institutions around the country -- are fervent anticapitalists even though their wages and perks are derived from the ingenuity and hard work of capitalists.
The CDC was caught a couple of years ago making incredibly sloppy calculations about body weight distributions of Americans, and inexcusable conclusions about the effect of increasing weight on mortality. But when your state agency depends on funds from scaring overweight politicians and scaring overweight constituents, what's the problem if you skew the graph plots or if you can't add or if you can't put the decimal points in the right places. These obesity nannies, simply put, need obese people to justify their work and to wrestle more power away from people. Is 'self-serving' one word? --or two?
It is important to note that the so-called "ideal body weight tables' produced by Metropolitan Life from wayback in the 50's have also been shown to be incorrect for a whole lot of reasons, including their assumption that a person's ideal body weight remains static throughout their life. There is mounting evidence that increasing weight actually prolongs life : as you age you will live longer with more meat on their bones !!!
I rue the day when the nanny nazis insist on taxing folks for being overweight, prohibiting "junk food", carting them off involuntarily to state-run behavior farms (to join alcoholics, schizophrenics, drug addicts, pedophiles, smokers, intolerant atheists complaining about Jesus portraits on government drywall, syphilitics, gamblers, and all the other undesirables) since they obviously can't control their caloric intake, having obese children taken away by state social work police from slim parents (or maybe vice versa : slim kids taken away from obese parents), and maybe involuntarily forced to undergo bariatric surgery... like frontal lobotomies or sterilization know "for the sake of the kids".
Hitler was a vegetarian, set up the first nationwide stop smoking campaign and cancer research program and abhorred cruelty to animals.
Can the state not just leave people alone?
Shockdoc -- the followers of faith and force won't talk about the nefarious use of statistics by the state, but advocates of liberty and reason can tell you it is no accident they reside so close together in the dictionary.
That's quite a strawman you constructed there. All that article says is that, according to their analysis, 31 states had overall populations whose percentages of obese people rose last year. As long as the same statistical analysis was used in all states and the same method of determining whether people were obese or not were used, it's an ok way to comparatively look at a trend: people became heavier and/or more people crossed the line over into obesity. All that business about the CDC being "caught" with a faulty analysis method doesn't have much to do with a comparative trend analysis by TFAH.
The article also does not say anything about forcing people into surgery, but what's reason in the way of a good basher rant? Feel better?
Burn the strawman, and let's discuss facts and political theory instead and whether anyone should be responsible for helping people get to a more healthy lifestyle? Is it an appropriate way for government to spend money? Are health care costs such a drain on the economy that we'd all be better off....businesses included...if the work force were healthier? Would people be better off if the trend were reversed?
Why shouldn't government help people improve their lives?
The Hitler comment is way out of left field, but what the Godwinned out on a Nazi strawman.
I am tired of all these studies. There is a comedian who stays there is "no cure for stupid". People are going to do dumb things. A year or two ago our great State of WV funded a study that said we are overweight because we do not eat enough of the right foods and we don't exercise enough. DUH. The Government can't keep us from doing dumb things. If you do not know how bad overeating, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc are for you then your DUMB. We choose to do those things. People who have those challenges make their choices and it is not big corporations that are at fault it is ours. If I go in to McDonalds I can get a double cheese burger large frees and a large drink OR I can get a salad(or 2 salads(with lite dressing or even no dressing+) and maybe a small order of fries and tea(w/o sugar) or guess what I DON'T HAVE TO EVEN GO TO MCDONALDS. If the government wants to "help the people" cut our taxes and let us make our own choices. Oh by the way I am 56 years old and I am FAT(5'10, 370lbs). I'm not bragging about it, but just to let you know. I am fat because of choices I made(oh yes when I was young I was spoiled and my parents probably let me eat to much, but they sure didn't force me). I am trying to lose and know it is not good for me, but it is up to me no one else. I also get upset at overweight people who blame it on everything else. Every study shows that only about 5-10% of people overweight are so because of reasons they have no control over. GOD BLESS GOP BUDDY
It would be great if the cost of this excess didn't have to be shared by those who follow good habits and moderation. If all of the obese, smokers and helmetless motorcycle riders would tattoo a "do not recucitate" label on their forehead, then maybe we could all rejoice in "doing our own thing". As long as the government provides a safety net for medical care, then it is a respondsibility for government to try to provide thoughtful programs to educate the uneducated. I am for putting insurance in categories that would reward those who follow a healthy lifestyle. Let smokers pay based on being smokers.(I know this is being done in some areas)
When we see how many smokers continue to destroy their lives, we realize that health warnings do little to discourage smoking. Why not a $2.00 a pack tax to cover the increased health care needed in twenty years by these teenagers. Cost is the only thing that has proven effective at reducing tobacco use. Also, why do we subject the children of these smokers to be in an enviroment that is proven to cause health risks. They are innocent victims.
GOP Buddy, look around. This wonderful country is eating itself to death. While we cure one form of cancer after another, millions are putting themselves at risk by overeating. What is your solution? Didn't Rome head down this same road of excess? It's easy to sit around and say the answer is for the government to "leave us alone and cut our taxes". Does having more money to eat another dozen doughnuts really solve this problem.
I am not opposed to educating our population. I feel we do that. Insurance does cost more if you are overweight or smoke, etc. What I am opposed to is the government continuing to sponsor and pay for studies that keep telling us the same thing. I am also opposed to government money going to fight "big tobacco", or fast food chains. GOD BLESS
Shockdoc (with the Depends) writes: I always thought helmets were a great place for motorcyclists to put their organ donor cards....they'd be convenient to find and there wouldn't be a whole lot of gravel nor too much body fluid or tissue to make them illegible.
Oh, good. Another crisis/epidemic/problem/emergency identified by the ever vigilant and perspicacious special interest parasites. Well one thing to do, right off the bat, is to be sure that you and your loved ones are not beteween a TV camera/microphone and one of theses nanny nazis -- or their proxies in the legislature or university -- breathless as they clutch the latest batch of precious studies and statistics and proposals. Plus, they tend to suck all the oxygen out of the room. I always get a warm, relaxed feeling when I know that some stranger in some far flung corner of thse nationalized/homogenized states in America speaks about helping me and you and my neighbors and the country and the whole world and the endangered animals and...and..the ozone layer..and..the poor..and...the undernourished...and -- WHAT! --now, the overnourished.
But, then I stop staring in terror, look down, see the puddle, shake my pant leg, and reach for a hairdryer.
[Memo to the guys in the Federal Office of Management Of Underweight America in Washington DC: Ease up on the food stamps, guys, and start reading your interoffice mail that you get from the guys down the hall at the Federal Office of Management of Overweight America. Yeah, the mail that says the food stamps are used to buy junk food !!]
Shockdoc (sans Depends)-- Liberty and reason demand that the state stick scrupulously to it's duty of promoting private property, personal responsibilty, and courts to adjudicate torts and enforce contracts; the insecure, thoughtless followers of faith and force have other markedly different ideas for you and your loved ones.
I laugh everytime I see someone complain about a study and then bemoan the lapse of personal responsibility, blah blah blah. The same party that endorses personal responsibility and the end to tax payer sponsorship of any kind is the same one that gives away billions and billions in tax incentives to corporations, bails out corporations, takes it easy on the rich, and will not close the overseas, off shore corporate loophole that lets a business in corporate off shore a bit and not pay any taxes at all. Next the corporate, rich people welfare we practice in this country, the paltry money spent on poor, undereducated or disabled people and those who need a little help is paltry.
Shockdoc, you're by far the most breathless, paranoid, hyperventilating personal accountability nanny poster we have. lol It was just a study, for god's sake. It doesn't even deserve this post, let alone that rave you went on.
Jennyville, no, it wouldn't be tasteless to say "that's the way WV rolls." I heard that when Bush first said, "Let's roll!" he was thinking about West Virginia and Mississippi.
Shockdoc, you seem to be saying that this report about fatness in America is coming from a Foundation whose founder would not approve of the use of the money needed to prepare this report.
Well, it will be "for the sake of the kids." The solutions your government comes up with, I mean. Everything is for the sake of the kids. You do understand, I hope, that their love for "the kids" is boundless. That's, in part, why they babble about "educating" the kids so much. Look around you at the bright stars that the public education system has created. Can't ask for more than that, can you? They just don't want these geniuses to be fat. Can't blame them for that, can you?
Hitler was a nice guy compared to what's coming. The Big Boss Man will get those fat slobs in order. There'll be reeducation camps just for fat slobs. No, the state cannot just leave people alone. It never has, it never will. Soon you won't have the right to be fat. It's not good for the state to have fat people in it. Fatbodies can't fight terrorism effectively. They get winded too fast. Can't have that. Cave in, Shock, pay attention to the report and get with the program. The state needs you. Heard there's gonna be a draft right soon. Can't have fatbodies in this movie.
Looks here as if you're questioning the accuracy of the reports. That's not a good sign. The state needs believers. I'll bet you don't even have two American flags flying on your motor vehicle to prove to all of America that you're a true patriot. Heard something about "United We Stand." Does this mean you're not one of us?
It's important to remember, Shock, that liberty (freedom) and reason are not prevailing at the moment in our country. There is evidence for that everywhere and I'm reasonably sure that you know that. Whosoever suggests that liberty and reason are prevailing in our country today is only attempting to deceive the listener and, in fact, is doing a good job of deceiving. The slaves believe they are free; The bamboozled believe that reason has been applied. The fat keep eating.
But sure, fat bodies can fight terrorism for the state -- if we can just get them down the howitzer barrel without too much commotion. In this never ending war, everyone has a place and there is a place for everyone.
Well, I'd stick around and talk about fluff like "for the common good", but I've got to rush over to my parole officer's office and explain why I submitted a pair of pants at my last random drug screen. I keep telling him it would work out better if the drug screens were scheduled well in advance. He is a humorless soul.
[Memo to anonymous: Thank you for noticing the Godwinning. Desperate times call for desperate measures.] [Memo to self: Don't sound so desperate. Give equal time to the meticulously orchestrated and compassionate health and education programs set up by Stalin and Pol Pot.]
Shockdoc -- liberty and reason have declared war on faith and force. And the answer is "NO"; they are not signatories to the Geneva War Convention.
Shockdoc plagiarizes: PANDEMIC!! was on the tip of my tongue. Now what about galactidemic?
So, beat a path over to but don't get in between the Australian profeesor and the TV crew.
Shockdoc -- fuggedaboutit (liberty and reason will still be a formidable force to contend with after you've had your fill of faith and force)
John Adams' actual words are: "The Bible contains more philosophy than all the libraries that I have seen, & such parts as I cannot reconcile with my little philosophy, I postpone for future investigation"
So, here we have the complete quote. JA just acknowledges that the bible has a lot of philosophy in it. But he is modest to a fault , and adhering to a very simple ENLIGHTENED philosophy, he basically says that he is reserving judgement about much of what the bible says. He maintains a healthy dose of skepticism -- and everyone else should, too. He does not actually come out and say if he believes anything in the bible -- and it would have been so easy for this nominal Christian to toss a bone to the established religious denominations.
Shockdoc : it is always tiring for the advocates of liberty and reason to confront the followers of faith and force with facts -- but the alternative is not an option.
It appears that faith and force are two concepts and realities that bug you. That's fair. Especially the force idea.
The Bible says (among other things) that "the just shall live by faith." It's in there somewhere. Do you suppose that means that those who don't live by faith are unjust? You know. Inherently unjust. Is it possible that we all live, in one way or another, by faith?
Is faith a bad thing?
"The just shall live by faith." That's a pretty powerful statement. Or so I believe.
So glad that you snapped to attention when you felt "getting bored". Hopefully you weren't at the controls of a nuclear power plant or wiring your home before you sat down to blog.
Perhaps at that moment you realized that your dreamy 'thinking' had not been focused on the real world, not aware of past experiences, not grounded by logic, not sure of feasible future goals, not productive, and therefore not compatible with life?
But that, in essence, is what drives and supports the notions of faith and force. They are dreamy wishes and impulses -- to call them concepts or ideas gives them far too much credit. They are on both sides of the coin (or, to extend and sharpen the analogy: both sides of a government dollar bill), and cannot be separated, so it's disingenuous for followers of faith to hold out "the force idea" as "especially" unworthy.
I become weary and leery of the purveyors of faith and force with their 'quotations'. But to call these trite sound bites "quotations" continues the deception -- they are foils. One would not accept a storekeeper who repeatedly made mistakes in his favor -- constantly shortchanging you, and not him -- so why should we believe that quotations are 'innocently' and conveniently paraphrased time and again, so as to favor the faithful and the forceful, and discriminate against those advocating liberty and reason?
To say "the just shall live by faith" would ONLY be true if the scheming faithful could unjustly force those reasoning, reality-based, productive individuals to part with the results of their thoughtfulness and effort -- food, medicines, etc. But then they would not be just! Faith never told anyone when to plant seed or how to choose antibiotics to ensure life.
Granted, faith is powerful, but it is bad and unjust. It distracts man from life; it is death.
Goodmorning all, hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend. Special thanks to all the public service personnel who worked through the holiday weekend so that the rest of us could enjoy it, and be safe.
Shockdoc, I am now fast forwarding over your blogs. I think you need to get your own blog site.
Shock, I enjoyed your comments concerning faith. My purpose was merely to get you to think. Apparently, you do a lot of that. In asking you about the concept of faith I think you assumed that I was a person who lived by faith. I didn't mention whether or not I was such a person. I truly enjoyed your response. It is the response of a thinker.
I rather thought I would get a response out of you. Just want to keep you pumped up, Shock. I don't intend to pick apart your comment/response. It's a very interesting response.
When I said I was getting bored I was not implying I was getting bored by you. I was just bored enough to want to put something into this blog. No, Shock, you're not in the slightest bit boring. You're a lot of fun. Not boring at all.
For example, your first paragraph had me rolling in the aisles. It was funny. I need a good laugh now and again. Like the one about getting the fatbodies down the howitzer barrel without too much commotion. That was uproariously funny to me.
The human trait toward curiosity is one of the reasons we've survived so long. There's nothing so distinctly human as a good study to find out about the things that might threaten the survival of the species, as well as the individual.
Right now, people all seem to know that being obese is a life threat, but it wasn't always so. It used to be that starvation was a more likely and deadlier problem, so it is relatively new in the world that we'd consider that just the opposite status be a threat as well. Hence: studies. It's a fascinating thing that we've conquered the food problem quite so well that we're dying of being too good at producing calories.
"Because religious belief, or non-belief, is such an important part of every person's life, freedom of religion affects every individual. State churches that use government power to support themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of the church tends to make the clergy unresponsive to the people and leads to corruption within religion. Erecting the "wall of separation between church and state," therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society."
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Jefferson also wrote,
"In the New Testament there is internal evidence that parts of it have proceeded from an extraordinary man and that other parts are the fabric of very inferior minds..."
"The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts as are only injurious to others. But it does no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."
And perhaps most damningly,
"The priests of the different religious sects dread the advance of science as witches do the approach of daylight. The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his Father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."
You Christians should really think twice before defending yourself with Jefferson quotes.
BTW, which version of Christianity do you hold up to be the one we should use when we rewrite the Constitution? Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Mormon? Now there would be a religious war to end all religious wars!
I could never figure out why Christians, time and again, seek out the Founding Fathers and their compromised quotations to help them climb over the wall of separation. It just ain't gonna happen, guys. You are gonna have to climb over it all by yourselves with ropes and pietons and axes and ...and it's gonna look sloppy...and you're gonna need some help when you fall to the bottom. For your own sake, give it up....and -- Oh yeah -- what's that definition of insanity again?
Shockdoc -- having no need for the self-sacrificing faith required by church nor the mindless force of the state -- but for goodness sakes keep that wall well maintained.
All of this is interesting - however, it would be more focused if all of the "anonymous" individuals would use the "other" option in the comment field and invent a unique anonymous name so (like "Shockdoc") everyone else knows whose argument or proposition is being addressed. ....G And how about BK VanHorn showing up at the Board off Ed meeting and speaking out as if he is representing the City of Clarksburg. He must have PR envy that Mike Queen is getting all of the attention.
And how about BK VanHorn showing up at the Board off Ed meeting and speaking out as if he is representing the City of Clarksburg.
What ever gave you that idea, Gundo? I didn't even mention that I was a member of city council. I was there as a Christian to explain that this country was founded as a Christian nation. It is not my fault that the media knows who I am.. Do you think I should just lay my Christian responsibilities aside because someone might recognize me as a member of council? PLEASE!
BK, get down! I was thinking the very same thing before you posted. You could have been anybody at that meeting of the BOE. You could have even been yourself. You could have been a citizen, a Christian, an interested observer, the Bogeyman, the resurrected Ted Bundy.....OK, maybe not the resurrected Ted Bundy but you had every right to be there and I would not assume that you were speaking as a representative of the City of Clarksburg. I don't find it remarkable at all that you were at the BOE meeting and I don't know you and you don't know me. I speak objectively.
Gundo, yes, I am thinking of adopting an identity other than the present one I work with. I thought about it before you mentioned it. It will be either that or I will slip out the back door for lack of stimulation.
Gundovald, WHAT a WHINER you've turned out to be! So long in the shadows has apparently dimmed your already myopic view of things. Th e fact that BK stood up for his Savior at a public meeting had NOTHING to do with the fact that he is a city council member--- maybe the fact that he didn't have a drink in his hand, bloodshot eyes, and slurred speech threw you. Apparently that's what you think council representation should be? It just so happens that BK was a Child of God LONG before he was a member of city council, and will still be a child of God long after council. You see, some Christians live the life every day-- not just when the mayor calls on them to say a little prayer before council meeting. ( Maybe that will be the next target for the ACLU, or other Godhaters.) I happen to know BK very well, and am proud to call him a Brother in Christ. And just for the record- for that kind of testimony council won't have to change any ordinances, or give special permission. We still have the freedom to express our Love and devotion to our Savior in public. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth: to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." Romans 1:16 How's that for Italian Heritage?
BK-- Keep the faith my brother! Keep looking up, Christ is coming soon!
But then those "keeping the faith", literally, can't see the 18 wheeler bearing down on them while they thoughtlessly and obliviously cross the street.
Again, the overlearned, unthinking obedience to the commandments spewed forth from monotheistic religions is incompatible with life -- unless they are rescued in the emergency room by the enlightened advocates of liberty and reason.
But, of course, historically, with their hypocritical "pro-life" and "pro-family" platforms, these religions have never had any concern about running out of future self-sacrificing generations of cannon fodder for their wars, nor serfs to tend their estates and churches.
Shockdoc -- liberty and reason are "pro-reality" and "pro-life"; not so for those pushing faith and force.
Goodmorning, after fast forwarding over the Shockdoc personal diatribe.....
I can not imagine how anyone lives without feeling God's presence, even tho' we all may have different ways to feel and honor that presence ....
I do give thanks that I have people like Mike Queen and BK VanHorn (who have obviously been brought up in loving, caring, Christian environments) to stand up for "in God we trust."
You may remove a picture or a symbol, but you will "never take our Jesus down."
I am so tired of hearing about this picture of Jesus being removed from the school. This is not the only religious symbol in our towns that may or may not be removed. The Harrison County Court House has the Ten Commandments just outside the main door on both sides. I think the picture did no harm to those who entered those hallowed halls of b-port hs and no one has been harmed in any way by the ten commandments at the court house, so what does everyone who wants them removed think is going to happen if they are left, ignored Will someone suddenly become aware!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shockdoc, because he has mush for brains, keeps saying that faith and life are incompatible. Jesus (who may be a rung or two further up the ladder than Shockdoc) said," I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." The Life. That is what Jesus is for Christians.
Shockdoc says he opposes force but it is clear that he does not oppose force being used against Christians.
Shockdoc opposes the faith of Christians as he worships his own god:shockdoc.
Yikes! People "fastforwarding" over my blog and claiming I have "mush for brains". I'm crushed; I'm devastated.
I have never endorsed using force against someone. Please correct me if it appears otherwise. I would only use for to defend my inalienable rights to life and liberty. For example, let's say someone was trying to drag me off to an Inquisition or a Crusade.
Shockdoc -- don't suspend reality to pray; your thoughtfulness and your productive labor will advance liberty and reason against the juggernaut of force mixed with faith.
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(Please don't hate me. I tried REALLY hard not to say anything.)
Would it be too tasteless of a joke if I said "That's just how WV rolls"?
Shockdoc writes:
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (like the Pew Foundation) backing this report has been hijacked by left wing nut cakes on their board of directors and in their administration offices. This large foundation has had it's mission jerked far away from the wishes of the founder/philanthropist RJW of J+J fame. RJW seemed keenly interested in promoting free enterprise and personal responsibilty, so it seems incongruous for these foundations to fund unnecessary studies producing conclusions that were self evident from the get-go and then have other wacko left wing groups carry the water and go running to the state apparatus and agents for 'action', all the while blaming businessmen, corporations and parents for not doing the right 'socially responsible' thing. These directors and administrators -- like the college and university professors found in large state run institutions around the country -- are fervent anticapitalists even though their wages and perks are derived from the ingenuity and hard work of capitalists.
The CDC was caught a couple of years ago making incredibly sloppy calculations about body weight distributions of Americans, and inexcusable conclusions about the effect of increasing weight on mortality. But when your state agency depends on funds from scaring overweight politicians and scaring overweight constituents, what's the problem if you skew the graph plots or if you can't add or if you can't put the decimal points in the right places. These obesity nannies, simply put, need obese people to justify their work and to wrestle more power away from people. Is 'self-serving' one word? --or two?
It is important to note that the so-called "ideal body weight tables' produced by Metropolitan Life from wayback in the 50's have also been shown to be incorrect for a whole lot of reasons, including their assumption that a person's ideal body weight remains static throughout their life. There is mounting evidence that increasing weight actually prolongs life : as you age you will live longer with more meat on their bones !!!
I rue the day when the nanny nazis insist on taxing folks for being overweight, prohibiting "junk food", carting them off involuntarily to state-run behavior farms (to join alcoholics, schizophrenics, drug addicts, pedophiles, smokers, intolerant atheists complaining about Jesus portraits on government drywall, syphilitics, gamblers, and all the other undesirables) since they obviously can't control their caloric intake, having obese children taken away by state social work police from slim parents (or maybe vice versa : slim kids taken away from obese parents), and maybe involuntarily forced to undergo bariatric surgery... like frontal lobotomies or sterilization know "for the sake of the kids".
Hitler was a vegetarian, set up the first nationwide stop smoking campaign and cancer research program and abhorred cruelty to animals.
Can the state not just leave people alone?
Shockdoc -- the followers of faith and force won't talk about the nefarious use of statistics by the state, but advocates of liberty and reason can tell you it is no accident they reside so close together in the dictionary.
That's quite a strawman you constructed there. All that article says is that, according to their analysis, 31 states had overall populations whose percentages of obese people rose last year. As long as the same statistical analysis was used in all states and the same method of determining whether people were obese or not were used, it's an ok way to comparatively look at a trend: people became heavier and/or more people crossed the line over into obesity. All that business about the CDC being "caught" with a faulty analysis method doesn't have much to do with a comparative trend analysis by TFAH.
The article also does not say anything about forcing people into surgery, but what's reason in the way of a good basher rant? Feel better?
Burn the strawman, and let's discuss facts and political theory instead and whether anyone should be responsible for helping people get to a more healthy lifestyle? Is it an appropriate way for government to spend money? Are health care costs such a drain on the economy that we'd all be better off....businesses included...if the work force were healthier? Would people be better off if the trend were reversed?
Why shouldn't government help people improve their lives?
The Hitler comment is way out of left field, but what the Godwinned out on a Nazi strawman.
Well, there we have it. The debate is thus framed neatly:
Resolved : that we Americans should dismiss liberty and reason so as to put faith in the force of the government to "help people improve their lives".
[in all kinds of imaginable and unimaginable ways...HARD and matter the results...whether you and your family like it or not]
Shockdoc -- doesn't take long to separate the wheat of liberty and reason from the chafe of faith and force.
I am tired of all these studies. There is a comedian who stays there is "no cure for stupid". People are going to do dumb things.
A year or two ago our great State of WV funded a study that said we are overweight because we do not eat enough of the right foods and we don't exercise enough. DUH. The Government can't keep us from doing dumb things. If you do not know how bad overeating, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc are for you then your DUMB. We choose to do those things. People who have those challenges make their choices and it is not big corporations that are at fault it is ours. If I go in to McDonalds I can get a double cheese burger large frees and a large drink OR I can get a salad(or 2 salads(with lite dressing or even no dressing+) and maybe a small order of fries and tea(w/o sugar) or guess what I DON'T HAVE TO EVEN GO TO MCDONALDS. If the government wants to "help the people" cut our taxes and let us make our own choices. Oh by the way I am 56 years old and I am FAT(5'10, 370lbs). I'm not bragging about it, but just to let you know. I am fat because of choices I made(oh yes when I was young I was spoiled and my parents probably let me eat to much, but they sure didn't force me). I am trying to lose and know it is not good for me, but it is up to me no one else. I also get upset at overweight people who blame it on everything else. Every study shows that only about 5-10% of people overweight are so because of reasons they have no control over.
The Doctor says
It would be great if the cost of this excess didn't have to be shared by those who follow good habits and moderation. If all of the obese, smokers and helmetless motorcycle riders would tattoo a "do not recucitate" label on their forehead, then maybe we could all rejoice in "doing our own thing". As long as the government provides a safety net for medical care, then it is a respondsibility for government to try to provide thoughtful programs to educate the uneducated. I am for putting insurance in categories that would reward those who follow a healthy lifestyle. Let smokers pay based on being smokers.(I know this is being done in some areas)
When we see how many smokers continue to destroy their lives, we realize that health warnings do little to discourage smoking. Why not a $2.00 a pack tax to cover the increased health care needed in twenty years by these teenagers. Cost is the only thing that has proven effective at reducing tobacco use. Also, why do we subject the children of these smokers to be in an enviroment that is proven to cause health risks. They are innocent victims.
GOP Buddy, look around. This wonderful country is eating itself to death. While we cure one form of cancer after another, millions are putting themselves at risk by overeating. What is your solution? Didn't Rome head down this same road of excess? It's easy to sit around and say the answer is for the government to "leave us alone and cut our taxes". Does having more money to eat another dozen doughnuts really solve this problem.
I am not opposed to educating our population. I feel we do that. Insurance does cost more if you are overweight or smoke, etc. What I am opposed to is the government continuing to sponsor and pay for studies that keep telling us the same thing.
I am also opposed to government money going to fight "big tobacco", or fast food chains.
Shockdoc (with the Depends) writes:
I always thought helmets were a great place for motorcyclists to put their organ donor cards....they'd be convenient to find and there wouldn't be a whole lot of gravel nor too much body fluid or tissue to make them illegible.
Oh, good.
Another crisis/epidemic/problem/emergency identified by the ever vigilant and perspicacious special interest parasites. Well one thing to do, right off the bat, is to be sure that you and your loved ones are not beteween a TV camera/microphone and one of theses nanny nazis -- or their proxies in the legislature or university -- breathless as they clutch the latest batch of precious studies and statistics and proposals. Plus, they tend to suck all the oxygen out of the room. I always get a warm, relaxed feeling when I know that some stranger in some far flung corner of thse nationalized/homogenized states in America speaks about helping me and you and my neighbors and the country and the whole world and the endangered animals and...and..the ozone layer..and..the poor..and...the undernourished...and -- WHAT! --now, the overnourished.
But, then I stop staring in terror, look down, see the puddle, shake my pant leg, and reach for a hairdryer.
[Memo to the guys in the Federal Office of Management Of Underweight America in Washington DC:
Ease up on the food stamps, guys, and start reading your interoffice mail that you get from the guys down the hall at the Federal Office of Management of Overweight America. Yeah, the mail that says the food stamps are used to buy junk food !!]
Shockdoc (sans Depends)-- Liberty and reason demand that the state stick scrupulously to it's duty of promoting private property, personal responsibilty, and courts to adjudicate torts and enforce contracts; the insecure, thoughtless followers of faith and force have other markedly different ideas for you and your loved ones.
Duhhh...the whole Country is fatter: it's called "high fructose corn syrup"...
so whts with the mirror at BHS?
I laugh everytime I see someone complain about a study and then bemoan the lapse of personal responsibility, blah blah blah. The same party that endorses personal responsibility and the end to tax payer sponsorship of any kind is the same one that gives away billions and billions in tax incentives to corporations, bails out corporations, takes it easy on the rich, and will not close the overseas, off shore corporate loophole that lets a business in corporate off shore a bit and not pay any taxes at all. Next the corporate, rich people welfare we practice in this country, the paltry money spent on poor, undereducated or disabled people and those who need a little help is paltry.
Shockdoc, you're by far the most breathless, paranoid, hyperventilating personal accountability nanny poster we have. lol It was just a study, for god's sake. It doesn't even deserve this post, let alone that rave you went on.
Jennyville, no, it wouldn't be tasteless to say "that's the way WV rolls." I heard that when Bush first said, "Let's roll!" he was thinking about West Virginia and Mississippi.
Shockdoc, you seem to be saying that this report about fatness in America is coming from a Foundation whose founder would not approve of the use of the money needed to prepare this report.
Well, it will be "for the sake of the kids." The solutions your government comes up with, I mean. Everything is for the sake of the kids. You do understand, I hope, that their love for "the kids" is boundless. That's, in part, why they babble about "educating" the kids so much. Look around you at the bright stars that the public education system has created. Can't ask for more than that, can you? They just don't want these geniuses to be fat. Can't blame them for that, can you?
Hitler was a nice guy compared to what's coming. The Big Boss Man will get those fat slobs in order. There'll be reeducation camps just for fat slobs. No, the state cannot just leave people alone. It never has, it never will. Soon you won't have the right to be fat. It's not good for the state to have fat people in it. Fatbodies can't fight terrorism effectively. They get winded too fast. Can't have that. Cave in, Shock, pay attention to the report and get with the program. The state needs you. Heard there's gonna be a draft right soon. Can't have fatbodies in this movie.
Looks here as if you're questioning the accuracy of the reports. That's not a good sign. The state needs believers. I'll bet you don't even have two American flags flying on your motor vehicle to prove to all of America that you're a true patriot. Heard something about "United We Stand." Does this mean you're not one of us?
It's important to remember, Shock, that liberty (freedom) and reason are not prevailing at the moment in our country. There is evidence for that everywhere and I'm reasonably sure that you know that. Whosoever suggests that liberty and reason are prevailing in our country today is only attempting to deceive the listener and, in fact, is doing a good job of deceiving. The slaves believe they are free; The bamboozled believe that reason has been applied. The fat keep eating.
Shockdoc writes :
But sure, fat bodies can fight terrorism for the state -- if we can just get them down the howitzer barrel without too much commotion. In this never ending war, everyone has a place and there is a place for everyone.
Well, I'd stick around and talk about fluff like "for the common good", but I've got to rush over to my parole officer's office and explain why I submitted a pair of pants at my last random drug screen. I keep telling him it would work out better if the drug screens were scheduled well in advance. He is a humorless soul.
[Memo to anonymous: Thank you for noticing the Godwinning. Desperate times call for desperate measures.]
[Memo to self: Don't sound so desperate. Give equal time to the meticulously orchestrated and compassionate health and education programs set up by Stalin and Pol Pot.]
Shockdoc -- liberty and reason have declared war on faith and force. And the answer is "NO"; they are not signatories to the Geneva War Convention.
Shockdoc plagiarizes:
PANDEMIC!! was on the tip of my tongue.
Now what about galactidemic?
So, beat a path over to but don't get in between the Australian profeesor and the TV crew.
Shockdoc -- fuggedaboutit (liberty and reason will still be a formidable force to contend with after you've had your fill of faith and force)
“The Bible is the best book in the world. It contains more philosophy than all the libraries that I have seen.”
John Adams (1797-1801)
Shockdoc writes :
John Adams' actual words are: "The Bible contains more philosophy than all the libraries that I have seen, & such parts as I cannot reconcile with my little philosophy, I postpone for future investigation"
So, here we have the complete quote. JA just acknowledges that the bible has a lot of philosophy in it. But he is modest to a fault , and adhering to a very simple ENLIGHTENED philosophy, he basically says that he is reserving judgement about much of what the bible says. He maintains a healthy dose of skepticism -- and everyone else should, too. He does not actually come out and say if he believes anything in the bible -- and it would have been so easy for this nominal Christian to toss a bone to the established religious denominations.
Shockdoc : it is always tiring for the advocates of liberty and reason to confront the followers of faith and force with facts -- but the alternative is not an option.
Shock, OK, I'm getting bored. So to speak.
It appears that faith and force are two concepts and realities that bug you. That's fair. Especially the force idea.
The Bible says (among other things) that "the just shall live by faith." It's in there somewhere. Do you suppose that means that those who don't live by faith are unjust? You know. Inherently unjust. Is it possible that we all live, in one way or another, by faith?
Is faith a bad thing?
"The just shall live by faith." That's a pretty powerful statement. Or so I believe.
Shockdoc writes:
So glad that you snapped to attention when you felt "getting bored". Hopefully you weren't at the controls of a nuclear power plant or wiring your home before you sat down to blog.
Perhaps at that moment you realized that your dreamy 'thinking' had not been focused on the real world, not aware of past experiences, not grounded by logic, not sure of feasible future goals, not productive, and therefore not compatible with life?
But that, in essence, is what drives and supports the notions of faith and force. They are dreamy wishes and impulses -- to call them concepts or ideas gives them far too much credit. They are on both sides of the coin (or, to extend and sharpen the analogy: both sides of a government dollar bill), and cannot be separated, so it's disingenuous for followers of faith to hold out "the force idea" as "especially" unworthy.
I become weary and leery of the purveyors of faith and force with their 'quotations'. But to call these trite sound bites "quotations" continues the deception -- they are foils. One would not accept a storekeeper who repeatedly made mistakes in his favor -- constantly shortchanging you, and not him -- so why should we believe that quotations are 'innocently' and conveniently paraphrased time and again, so as to favor the faithful and the forceful, and discriminate against those advocating liberty and reason?
To say "the just shall live by faith" would ONLY be true if the scheming faithful could unjustly force those reasoning, reality-based, productive individuals to part with the results of their thoughtfulness and effort -- food, medicines, etc. But then they would not be just! Faith never told anyone when to plant seed or how to choose antibiotics to ensure life.
Granted, faith is powerful, but it is bad and unjust. It distracts man from life; it is death.
Goodmorning all, hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend. Special thanks to all the public service personnel who worked through the holiday weekend so that the rest of us could enjoy it, and be safe.
Shockdoc, I am now fast forwarding over your blogs. I think you need to get your own blog site.
Blessings on ya' all,
Bella Sara
“Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern, which have come under my observation, none appears to me so pure as that of Jesus.”
Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)
Shock, I enjoyed your comments concerning faith. My purpose was merely to get you to think. Apparently, you do a lot of that. In asking you about the concept of faith I think you assumed that I was a person who lived by faith. I didn't mention whether or not I was such a person. I truly enjoyed your response. It is the response of a thinker.
I rather thought I would get a response out of you. Just want to keep you pumped up, Shock. I don't intend to pick apart your comment/response. It's a very interesting response.
When I said I was getting bored I was not implying I was getting bored by you. I was just bored enough to want to put something into this blog. No, Shock, you're not in the slightest bit boring. You're a lot of fun. Not boring at all.
For example, your first paragraph had me rolling in the aisles. It was funny. I need a good laugh now and again. Like the one about getting the fatbodies down the howitzer barrel without too much commotion. That was uproariously funny to me.
Interesting thoughts you have, Shock.
Sorry (no I am Not) I think you need to stopp eating at all those fast food places shockdoc its warped your brain!!!
People eat when they are hungry, bored or stoned. so if u eat and gain weight it just your own fault
exercise and control your bad habits
The human trait toward curiosity is one of the reasons we've survived so long. There's nothing so distinctly human as a good study to find out about the things that might threaten the survival of the species, as well as the individual.
Right now, people all seem to know that being obese is a life threat, but it wasn't always so. It used to be that starvation was a more likely and deadlier problem, so it is relatively new in the world that we'd consider that just the opposite status be a threat as well. Hence: studies. It's a fascinating thing that we've conquered the food problem quite so well that we're dying of being too good at producing calories.
In all things, moderation.
"Because religious belief, or non-belief, is such an important part of every person's life, freedom of religion affects every individual. State churches that use government power to support themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of the church tends to make the clergy unresponsive to the people and leads to corruption within religion. Erecting the "wall of separation between church and state," therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society."
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Jefferson also wrote,
"In the New Testament there is internal evidence that parts of it have proceeded from an extraordinary man and that other parts are the fabric of very inferior minds..."
"The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts as are only injurious to others. But it does no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."
And perhaps most damningly,
"The priests of the different religious sects dread the advance of science as witches do the approach of daylight. The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his Father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."
You Christians should really think twice before defending yourself with Jefferson quotes.
BTW, which version of Christianity do you hold up to be the one we should use when we rewrite the Constitution? Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Mormon? Now there would be a religious war to end all religious wars!
Bport Agnostic
Shockdoc writes :
I could never figure out why Christians, time and again, seek out the Founding Fathers and their compromised quotations to help them climb over the wall of separation. It just ain't gonna happen, guys.
You are gonna have to climb over it all by yourselves with ropes and pietons and axes and ...and it's gonna look sloppy...and you're gonna need some help when you fall to the bottom.
For your own sake, give it up....and -- Oh yeah -- what's that definition of insanity again?
Shockdoc -- having no need for the self-sacrificing faith required by church nor the mindless force of the state -- but for goodness sakes keep that wall well maintained.
All of this is interesting - however, it would be more focused if all of the "anonymous" individuals would use the "other" option in the comment field and invent a unique anonymous name so (like "Shockdoc") everyone else knows whose argument or proposition is being addressed. ....G
And how about BK VanHorn showing up at the Board off Ed meeting and speaking out as if he is representing the City of Clarksburg. He must have PR envy that Mike Queen is getting all of the attention.
And how about BK VanHorn showing up at the Board off Ed meeting and speaking out as if he is representing the City of Clarksburg.
What ever gave you that idea, Gundo? I didn't even mention that I was a member of city council. I was there as a Christian to explain that this country was founded as a Christian nation. It is not my fault that the media knows who I am.. Do you think I should just lay my Christian responsibilities aside because someone might recognize me as a member of council? PLEASE!
BK Vanhorn
BK, get down! I was thinking the very same thing before you posted. You could have been anybody at that meeting of the BOE. You could have even been yourself. You could have been a citizen, a Christian, an interested observer, the Bogeyman, the resurrected Ted Bundy.....OK, maybe not the resurrected Ted Bundy but you had every right to be there and I would not assume that you were speaking as a representative of the City of Clarksburg. I don't find it remarkable at all that you were at the BOE meeting and I don't know you and you don't know me. I speak objectively.
Gundo, yes, I am thinking of adopting an identity other than the present one I work with. I thought about it before you mentioned it. It will be either that or I will slip out the back door for lack of stimulation.
Happy Days
WHAT a WHINER you've turned out to be! So long in the shadows has apparently dimmed your already myopic view of things. Th e fact that BK stood up for his Savior at a public meeting had NOTHING to do with the fact that he is a city council member--- maybe the fact that he didn't have a drink in his hand, bloodshot eyes, and slurred speech threw you. Apparently that's what you think council representation should be? It just so happens that BK was a Child of God LONG before he was a member of city council, and will still be a child of God long after council. You see, some Christians live the life every day-- not just when the mayor calls on them to say a little prayer before council meeting. ( Maybe that will be the next target for the ACLU, or other Godhaters.) I happen to know BK very well, and am proud to call him a Brother in Christ. And just for the record- for that kind of testimony council won't have to change any ordinances, or give special permission. We still have the freedom to express our Love and devotion to our Savior in public. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth: to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." Romans 1:16 How's that for Italian Heritage?
BK-- Keep the faith my brother!
Keep looking up, Christ is coming soon!
John M. Elbert
Shockdoc writes :
"Keep looking up"
But then those "keeping the faith", literally, can't see the 18 wheeler bearing down on them while they thoughtlessly and obliviously cross the street.
Again, the overlearned, unthinking obedience to the commandments spewed forth from monotheistic religions is incompatible with life -- unless they are rescued in the emergency room by the enlightened advocates of liberty and reason.
But, of course, historically, with their hypocritical "pro-life" and "pro-family" platforms, these religions have never had any concern about running out of future self-sacrificing generations of cannon fodder for their wars, nor serfs to tend their estates and churches.
Shockdoc -- liberty and reason are "pro-reality" and "pro-life"; not so for those pushing faith and force.
Goodmorning, after fast forwarding over the Shockdoc personal diatribe.....
I can not imagine how anyone lives without feeling God's presence, even tho' we all may have different ways to feel and honor that presence ....
I do give thanks that I have people like Mike Queen and BK VanHorn (who have obviously been brought up in loving, caring, Christian environments) to stand up for "in God we trust."
You may remove a picture or a symbol, but you will "never take our Jesus down."
Bella Sara
I am so tired of hearing about this picture of Jesus being removed from the school. This is not the only religious symbol in our towns that may or may not be removed. The Harrison County Court House has the Ten Commandments just outside the main door on both sides. I think the picture did no harm to those who entered those hallowed halls of b-port hs and no one has been harmed in any way by the ten commandments at the court house, so what does everyone who wants them removed think is going to happen if they are left, ignored Will someone suddenly become aware!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shockdoc, because he has mush for brains, keeps saying that faith and life are incompatible. Jesus (who may be a rung or two further up the ladder than Shockdoc) said," I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." The Life. That is what Jesus is for Christians.
Shockdoc says he opposes force but it is clear that he does not oppose force being used against Christians.
Shockdoc opposes the faith of Christians as he worships his own god:shockdoc.
People "fastforwarding" over my blog and claiming I have "mush for brains".
I'm crushed; I'm devastated.
I have never endorsed using force against someone. Please correct me if it appears otherwise. I would only use for to defend my inalienable rights to life and liberty. For example, let's say someone was trying to drag me off to an Inquisition or a Crusade.
Shockdoc -- don't suspend reality to pray; your thoughtfulness and your productive labor will advance liberty and reason against the juggernaut of force mixed with faith.
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