Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Here's Don Blankenship's latest Email with Video Link
Video uses footage of Dems Rally at Harrison-Marion Airport

Dear supporter of West Virginia's kids, Thanks to the thousands of visitors we have had on our website in only two weeks. Our message of protecting our children and providing them an education and opportunities to live and work in West Virginia is being received even better than we had hoped.

An extra special thanks to all of the volunteers that have helped us reach thousands of homes across the state. We will be coming to your neighborhood soon, so please let us know if you can volunteer to help us spread the word in your community.

The announcement of our campaign received a great deal of attention and even a response from the West Virginia Democrat Party Chairman (which we fortunately captured on video with our AFTSOTK Freedom Camera). Please click here to view our first web commercial highlighting the goals of the And for the Sake of the Kids effort and the truth about what the politicians don't want you to know.

Thanks again and please visit our website again soon as we will be constantly adding more information and new items.

Don Blankenship Sprigg, West Virginia


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching the video makes you wonder where our legislatures values are? I'm wondering where the legislatures in North Central WV vote on many of these issues? Better yet, I wonder if our County Commissioners would support the legislatures in dropping the state food tax? They should make a stance at their next meeting and make a statement that this should be a high priority to help their citizens in Harrison County to save money! By doing this it would save my family a quick $500/yr by my estimates. It be nice to use that money to pay my gas bill!


8/02/2006 10:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Art thou that painter fellow who in the days of King Lothar used to daub the walls and vaults of oratories? Art thou he whom the people of Gaul used often to call Ballomey? Art thou he who several times was shorn and banished by the kings of the Franks for these very pretensions which thou makest today? Tell us plainly, most miserable of men, who was it that brought thee hither? Who gave thee the heart to set foot within the frontiers of our lords and kings? If any man invited thee, declare it with a loud voice. Behold, death standeth plain before thine eyes; look on the pit of thy destruction which so long thou hast sought, and into which thou shalt be cast headlong!

8/03/2006 05:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the cruel and anonymous one just there above.

Indeed, alas I am not, but rather his brother. Shorn and banished as were my brothers, for Ballomey dared. We told you plainly rising up every couple of years to be beaten and scorned. My Lord brought me forward, pretensions to make! Set within me a heart, to tred the frontiers of our lords and kings, let cruel fiefdoms be dashed! Deaths embrace somhow comforts the shorn and the banished, no work for the poor, and our children are famished!

Thank you Gundovold the Flatulent,
The Elephant in the Grass

8/03/2006 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No man is ignorant that my father Lothar ever detested me, or that my hair was cut short first by him, and later by my brothers.

8/03/2006 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Gundovald,
I was recently introduced to your blogsite via the wboy news report a few weeks back.(pretty clever since you don't have much good to say about the local media-- I actually share your distrust, just for different reasons.) The reason I'm writing is that I can't seem to get your e-mail link to work from your site-- something about default e-mail client or something.... anyway, if possible I'd lke to respond to a few of your earlier posts.

Post #1 was actually on 2/16/2006. In this post you were blasting Jim hunt--again we agree on some issues, but for different reasons--I'm not in Jim's corner most of the time either. However, in this particular post, you congratulated our police chief and city manager for their " commitment to rules and the law". With this I must take issue, although I understand the context in which that statement was written, It is a well known fact that the police department has been directed by both the city manager, as well as our illustrious mayor- ZEKE- to be selective on which laws to enforce. The open container law is one which is blatantly and often violated, with full knowledge of all the above named parties. Every thursday night in clarksburg during the spring and summer, Ritzy Lunch has bike night in which bikers congregate on the sidewalk in front of this establishment and the parking lot across the street, and drink alcoholic beverages. While some may say this is seemingly harmless activity-- we have an open container law in our city which prohibits this, since it is done in a public place. It has been brought to the attention of council by myself as well as others on SEVERAL occasions and the concensus seems to be that it's no big deal-- since when does city council, the city manager, or anyone else get to decide which laws are to be enforced and which ones just simply get ignored? I know that many think this is an antiquated law, but it IS STILL the law. On one occasion last summer when this little "harmless" night got particularly rowdy, the police dept. was called, and officers were en route to break things up when our mayor called the chief and told him to pull the officers off and "leave them alone." I ask you-- where did ZEKE get that authority? Answer--- he doesn't have it! In fact that is called obstruction of justice, and punishable by prison time-- maybe someone should pass that on to "his majesty, the mayor."

Also, in the same post you mentioned Jim Hunt and his "- - - - -" B K Vanhorn had voted against everything the majority had tried to accomplish. WHAT, may I ask Has this Majority tried to accomplish? Can you name 1 ordinance that ANY of the MAJORITY members of council has proposed in the past 2 years? I bet you can't! I go to almost all of the council meetings-- even the ones in the back room at 7, and I don't see anyone stepping up to the plate on any issue. Where is the progress? What leadership are we talking about? Can you name any ordinance these "policymakers" have introduced? You do realize that a council member is just that don't you-- a policy maker? The illusion seems to be that Mr. Lopez is the "new sherriff in town" and I heard him say with my own two ears that " as long as I have 4 votes on council, I can do anything I want." What kind of leadership is that?!!!! He's not even smart enough to be mayor, let alone the "boss", as he likes to refer to himself!!!!! He is NOT, nor is ANY other member of council an ADMINISTRATOR-- see our city charter if you doubt that! Why don't you call them ALL on that? Is it because you are one of that majority-- or are you just their puppet, and mouthpiece? Seems like you are in Maggie Bailey's corner for sure. And according to your March 1st posting apparently Patsy "forked tongue" Trecost is high on your list of heroes as well. WOW! New leadership? Where have you been for the last 5 years? Are you even a resident of Harrison county or Clarksburg? Apparently there is some question as to whether Patsy is actually a resident of Clarksburg( I know he has a building in North View which he claims is his Home) but one can just as easily find him in Bridgeport as often as he is here. That's neither here, nor there, though. The point I'd like to make is-- why did Patsy the "new leadership" (even though he did serve on council for 4 years prior to this term) not continue to have council meetings in other areas of town, and not just North View? Are other parts of town not important to council? Or could it be that the only place Patsy and Zeke feel comfortable is in their "home turf"
of North View? If you had been at the courthouse on the night the votes were counted, you'd know that both men would not be in office today if it weren't for those last 3 precincts in North View-- In fact Patsy was trailing miserably and only squeaked by with a 9 vote margin of victory over Mr. Greaver-- certainly not a referendum at least to anyone with any sense. Why don't you report that in a posting? Is it perhaps that somebody is in somebody's pocket? Or is it just too easy to sit back and criticize behind the scenes? As you may have noticed-- I'm not shy at all about my opinions, and I don't care if you like them, or agree with them--- I believe I'm right, and I believe you are being very one sided on most of these issues-- I'm just curious as to why? I understand the novelty of being a new celebrity with a "cool new blog", but why not come out in the open and voice your views? Cat got your tongue? Perhaps you have something to lose if you do? In my opinion-- you are a COWARD! Not meaning to be personal-- just calling 'em like I see 'em. See how easy it is to call names? Only difference is-- I do it openly- not behind some centuries old screen name.

Well, I feel much better now, and don't really believe you will respond, but just couldn't let your one sided skewed myopic views go unchallenged. I understand if you can't respond-- most liberals can't. But if you choose to I would welcome your response. And if you actually have the guts to come out of the closet and into the real world, I'd welcome some face to face correspondence.( I understand that you'd have to get all this approved by your Puppet Masters.) Until then-- I'll just say Thanks for letting me vent, and maybe try checking your facts before you spew from now on!

8/03/2006 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take heart then Anonymous brother,

pretensions to make! They are as thick as the dew on the grass, which grows the thicker because of it.

Look! Look! Elephants!
Elephants in the Grass
Thank you Gundovold the Flatulent!

8/03/2006 09:27:00 PM  
Blogger Gundovald said...

JTH, thanks for the comment.
Anon#1 - I think you've got me pegged.
Elephant in the Grass - only the grass gets hurt!
To Anonymous #2, who thinks people who don't sign their names are cowards - thanks for the irony.
We're all glad that "you're feeling better now". But much of your sorrow about the world is self-inflicted. You must live with the darkest fear that some 50-something guy is enjoying himself with a beer at the Ritzy Lunch. My "myopic view" is that we ought to have more people outside on the Clarksburg streets sitting at tables enjoying wine, beer, soft drinks, or whatever; enjoying each other's company while laughing, commiserating, telling old stories or making new friends. They ought to be there after the Wenesday evening prayer meeting and the Thursday City Council meetings. They could bring their lap-tops and enjoy wi-fi and send emails to their friend's BlackBerry's inviting them down-town.
This ought to drive you and BK Van Horn nuts! Closet prohibitionists might consider the alcohol issues in their own homes before attempting to solving non-problems in other parts of the city. Interesting that VanHorn is sitting next to a person with a glass of wine at Jim Hunt's big outdoor bash, yet Van Horn doesn't arise to denounce any open container law violation. Some kind soul actually sent me a photo.
Although, you do make some semi-astute observations. When I thought someone came up with a good idea like holding a council meeting in North View and a lot of people showed up and they confirmed that the liked it; I congratulated the guy who originated the idea. And did so without knowing where he lived. I did criticize Jim Hunt for not arranging for the visitors to stay in Harrison county. You should notice that I left Hunt with the last word on that subject, after I said my peace - Hunrt said his. Margaret Bailey had issues that were not being fully expressed in the news - print or TV. She aired her issues on Gundovald. I neither agreed nor disagreed with her point. If any other party wished to join in I would have published their points as well. Senior Citizen center issues is an important issue to a lot of people. Just not to me. The fact that no one else wants to jump into the fray is not controllable by me. I think the outside point of view makes things more entertaining and some of us smarter.
You might also noticed with closer scrutiny that Ron Watson, Sam Cann and others in elective office also had the last word on issues that I raised concerning their areas of responsibility.
I've written on this and other blogs my disappointment that Mike Queen has chosen not to address the counter points that I have made to his arguments about the BHS issues. Fine with me. Let Freedon Ring!!!

8/07/2006 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the fray Gundovald! I was beginning to wonder if you were still lurking in the grass or if you had left the continent. Just a few clarifications if I may. First of all, My "darkest fear" as you put it, is NOT that some 50 something man sits quietly outside a downtown establishment and enjoys a beer. If this were LEGAL,you might have a point. However, as I have stressed all along, my problem and darkest fear is that this activity, however appealing it might seem to you or others, is against the law in our city. I didn't write the law, nor did I adopt it as an enforceable ordinance, I simply believe that it should be enforced as well as any other law we have, and not selectively ignored, for the sake of appeasing some friends in high places. There is a mentality in city government that just because we've not enforced a law for quite some time, we should probably not enforce it now. That is a flawed mentality, and one which our city government is not authorized to exercise. There is NO PROVISION ANYWHERE which allows a city official to ignore a law simply because some of his or her friends or family desire it to be done.(Even if someone stands to gain financially from the venture) While you label me a closet prohibitionist, I'd like to think of myself as firm believer in law enforcement. Again, I didn't write the law-- Council did! I just simply ask that our council not try to overstep their authority (see City Charter if there's any question as to who the administrative authority belongs to. Council is a POLICY MAKING BODY ONLY!)and let the law enforcement officers do their jobs without interference.(Some would construe that type of interference as obstruction of justice, and probably be correct in their assumptions.)The fact of the matter is simple,there are very few choices here; either we enforce the laws as they are written,re-write the laws in order to accomodate our friends and family, or close the enforcement office and save the taxpayers a bunch of money. For what it's worth, I was opposed to alcoholic beverages being served at Mr. Hunt's function as well, simply because the law prohibits it, and what's good for the goose is good for the gander. No one is,nor should they be, above the law. With that being said, I also am opposed to alcohol at the Italian Heritage Festival for the SAME REASON! It is AGAINST THE LAW, as the law is currently written! This was confirmed recently in an open Council meeting (Thursday Aug. 3) by our city attorney, Greg Morgan. Their is No provision for waivers for fairs or festivals either! Just because we've never enforced that law before, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be enforced. What's the next law that we should ignore? Who decides that? How do we arrest someone at the festival for public intoxication, or drunk and disorderly conduct, when in all probability that person got in that condition as a result of a free pass issued to festival officials to break the law, and perhaps even facilitate the offender in becoming impaired? How do we justify that? Do you see what a Pandora's Box we open by being selective with our enforcement? Not to mention who becomes liable when someone becomes intoxicated and commits a crime such as assault, or even worse murder as a result of selective enforcement? Don't think for a minute that some slick ambulance chasing attorney wouldn't jump on that case in a second, and guess who gets included in the lawsuit--CITY OF CLARKSBURG!!!!! Is that the direction we want to head? Just because it hasn't happened yet does not insure that it will not happen, in fact, the odds are in favor of it happening in the future. After all, isn't the main purpose of a law to protect someone from something? Who wants the responsibilty of waiving that public safety in favor of a few hours of pleasure? Call me old fashioned, but I still remember when laws meant something, and there were consequences for breaking them.If a person wants to have a drink, there are places in Harrison County which will accomodate them (according to the ABCA website license database, over 200)however, if a person wants to go downtown Clarksburg and walk on a sidewalk without fear of being accosted or confronted by an alcoholic, the law CLEARLY states that they have that freedom as well. It was you, after all, that said "Let Freedom Ring" was it not? My freedom ends when it infringes on someone else's, and vice versa. This may not be what you wanted to hear, but it is the truth! I do thank you for your response, even though it took a little longer than it should have-- Ha ha-- I welcome your response, if you'd like to reply. I would like to weigh in on Sr. Center issues at some point as well, but that's another topic, at another time. In closing, be careful lurking in the grass too long, as mice also hide in the tall grass. The last thing we need is a herd of frightened elephants suddenly bolting out into the open and running aimlessly onto our newly stamped downtown streets or sidewalks-- that could be messy!

John M. Elbert

8/08/2006 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just for the record Gundovald.... If you had answered your e-mail on August 2nd, my identity was clearly marked there. It was only after no reply that I copied and pasted the same as a blog to you, so don't act so smug about an anonymous posting, talking about irony.... some of us aren't ashamed of our points of view, and therefore don't need to hide behind silly screennames.... I'd welcome your counter, if it is coherent, and the mayor lets you respond.

John M. Elbert

8/09/2006 03:27:00 AM  
Blogger eclectic said...

Let justice be done, though the heavens may fall. Juvenal

8/11/2006 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the mayor lets you respond.

more appropriately, the "Vice-mayor." Isn't that right, V?

8/14/2006 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ."

George Washington (1789-97)

8/28/2006 10:44:00 AM  
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