On the Importance of having someone saying you have Good Character
Al Capone and John Gotti used members of the clergy as character witnesses. How can you think badly of someone when a respected man of the cloth comes to their defense. If you, dear reader, ever choose to go on a crime spree have enough criminal-common sense to tithe to a church, give to the poor and donate to charities and hospitals. This is a matter of civic duty that will cause your accusers to have a tough time convincing a jury that you are capable of committing crimes to enrich yourself. Part of your defense strategy would be to call upon the administrators of your largesse to voluntarily disclose to the media what a great and generous guy you had been; even if it was not your money that you gave away. I always liked John Gotti's sponsored Italian Pride Day where the great contributions of Italian-Americans were reviewed and the existence of the Costra Nostra was denied. All of this comes to mind as I read Father Thomas Acker's hagiography of Alan Mollohan in the State Journal.
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