Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wal Mart Pharmacy - Passing the Savings on!

Have you ever walked by a place ruminating about one thing and then just had to stop as you realized you just witnessed something out of the ordinary? Wandering through Wal Mart today, I passed the Pharmacy where there are a series of picture windows, interrupted by a couple of stalls for people to line up and get their prescriptions. You may be familar with the lay-out at EastPointe. I stopped and had to back-peddle. I thought I saw several people on the floor. As I glanced through the window again, there were indeed 4 people crawling on the floor within the pharmacy area. I stayed to watch. Spread all over the floor were what seemed like hundreds of blue little pills. The three women and one man were quickly gathering them up and putting them on a counting tray on the bench. This is that tray with the little open funnel scoop at the end that pharmacists use to dump the counted prescription into the little bottle after separating the count with a sterile knife-like instrument. Are you at all curious about what they did with them? Some went from the counting tray into a little amber bottle with a label on it for a customer; the rest went back into the big bottle for future use. Never mind that 4 different hands and fingers were on it or that it was on the floor. You'll never know and you'll probably get better anyway.


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