Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I thought this was a Clarksburg Joke when I first heard it - But it wasn't

Strangest thing happened! Two people from North View were marvelling at what they got in the mail. It wasn't a contest to win a Million, or a credit card offer, or a bill or a tax notice. It was a letter from the Clarksburg City hall. It was a Thank You letter to them for coming to the Council meeting that was held in North View and spilling their guts about what they saw right and wrong about the city. The letter said that their complaints had been captured, put into a plan by the department heads, including the police department, and that residents should have all ready seen some results with the cleaning up of yard trash, knocking down a dilapidated garage, and stricter code enforcement. I don't know how many letters went out. About 50 people attended. The letter provided phone numbers and invited the people to call the city with other suggestions. Can you imagine making the residents your partner? What a government concept. There must be some new blood up there someplace. Someone who hasn't been sitting around for 20 years pontificating. They didn't say who signed the letter. Anyone know who's behind this radical notion of communicating with the public?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was probably the new City Manager, Martin Howe, who sent the letters.

Feedback from the public is not a NEW concept, but it is one that has value IF you listen, take action, and do not take it as a personal attack.

A couple years ago, I wondered why I stay in this heartless town, with elected people using their small bit of authority to ruin lives of others, when it is not necessary. (Well, thats another blog) Hummmmm.... could things be looking up??? The three County Commissioners are undoubtedly for the people, and now we have a City Manager who listens to the public as well???

Thanks "G" for getting this information out.

3/08/2006 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you believe Council was smart enough to vote for an extended contract for Howe? Shows there is always hope for Clarkburg yet. Hope Council will stay on the upward trend. They couldn't go too much further down.

3/10/2006 11:27:00 PM  

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