Sunday, March 05, 2006

Assessor Cheryl Romano Just Doesn't Get It!


Or, Does she deliberately miss the point?

The 14,800 plus people who received her 10% or greater tax letter that notifies of a significant tax increase do not see her assessment actions as appropriately valuing their real estate. In her letter to the editor in the March 5 Exponent-Telegram; she mistakenly thinks that there is a debate about the actions of the County Commissioners to hold assessed values to the 2005 level. That’s not the debate. The concern, argument, issue, and rebellion are about her brand new off-the-shelf, raise-em-all, tax assessment philosophy that she made for 2006.

Romano claims that this is all about fair market value. It is not. It is about many of the people receiving the 10% letter not being told what their new tax would be until after the period when they could have objected. Many of those who did protest their new assessment had their assessments reduced; some by huge percentages. So, if her appraisal reflected the fair market value why were so many reduced when people asked for a hearing and objected. The answer is that a lot of this appraisal was purely arbitrary. If you were not clever or experienced enough to demand a hearing by her cut-off date your taxes jumped.

Why did taxes not go up as significantly in 2002, 2003, 2004, or 2005? Is this because Cheryl Romano was NOT doing her job in those years and just started doing it this year? That so called ‘fair-market value’ did not happen in the last year alone. The State Senate is passing a bill that requires that Assessors bring up property assessments to market value over a six year period. Why did Romano think that she had to do it all in one year? She has ducked providing an answer to that question. Everyone expected to live with the established tax rates as are known and controlled by the county commissioners.

It was Romano’s misjudgment of how much the property owning public would put up with when she decided to stick it to them all in one year. Then blame the Commissioner for not lowering the tax rate to keep the taxes down. Her, “Charleston made me do it” excuse is not being bought by most people in the county, especially when they learn that over 50 out of 55 counties had not done a similar 100% market-value assessment and will phase in what “Charleston wants” over a multi-year period. Romano’s policies were over the top; it showed arrogance and lack of judgment on her part to send the radical reassessment to the commissioners and then expecting it to be rubber stamped!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree...she thinks that she is the sole owner of our county government. She should enjoy the ride now because its about over. Wait until the next election.

3/06/2006 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree, I would say there is no room for rubber stamping or back room politics with these Commissioners. They sure are paying attention. Hats off to the three amigos!

3/06/2006 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is about time this county gets the people not afraid to stand up and help. it has been tooo long of the same ole same ole. the rich get richer and the poor get taxed, taxed, taxed, hahahaha. i love your site!!!!!! keep up the good work. i love our harrison county commissioners. they are for we, the people. they are not on some high horse, sit around do nothing and act like they are doing the people of this county a favor. keep it up.

3/06/2006 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. One important aspect of this Tax appraisal freeze scenario is that we the tax payers must not let the politicians hide behind the bureaucratic tax system,ie allowing
officials appointed by the politicians to de-rail this decision to halt run away taxes in this State and especially Harrison County. I read in the Morning paper that John Musgrave(secretary of tax and revenue) stated that we'll get the state tax department to continue to look at the issue,
and move forward. Well I say to Mr. Musgrave and the politicians yes Move Forward by all means not backwards. We the Tax payers will hold the politicians accountable for these run away taxes and not the appointees just keep that in mind. The Tax and spend politicians will use these appointees as scape goats if we let them i.e. Ms Ramona telling us the State made me do it.
They didn't tell her to sit on her ass for years then stick us all with a big increase in assessments!!.
But that situation will be rectified at election time here in Harrison County. Also in the article it mentions a statement that Tax Commissioner Virgil Helton made to the effect that he questioned whether any study or analysis had been conducted prior to the decision to increase these assessments. I would guess that by any historical actions by this incompetent assessor that the answer is a resounding no!!

3/07/2006 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sure she will worry come election time. As will many other big spenders in the State and County.

3/07/2006 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surely there is someone in Harrison County with the guts, brains and an education past high school that can run for this office! At this point - anyone could beat her.

3/10/2006 11:30:00 PM  

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