Sunday, February 26, 2006

WHAT! C'Burg Paper Reveals in Headline that a Bill would Require Full Assessment of Property

Did that mean that Assessor Romano Jumped the Gun?

I'd give you a link to the Exponent Telegram for this but you'd have to sign up, enroll, apply, etc., etc. Do it if you wish to get to the article, however, the link above has the 5 additional paragraphs that your local newspaper cut short from the AP Wire. So, What's going on with our Assessor, Ms Romano? The AP article by Jennifer Bundy reports that the vast majority of counties are not now complying with a requirement to fully assess all county property. The proposed bill would give county assesors six years to bring the assessments up to 60 percent of appraised value. Why is there over-zealousness to stick it to the Harrison County taxpayers this year? Homeowners need small incremental changes in there tax structure. This recent reassesment has caused a major one. Commissioner Watson assures us 'she's just doing her job'. She's doing it too well without regard to sufficient judgement of how her efforts stand compared to all other assessors. You won't get any sympathy by claiming that 'Charleston made you do it!'. Or, is the new motto, "Why wait 6 years, when we can tax it all this year?". This has to stop and the legislators need to protect the citizens by passing a bill limiting the percentage increase of property taxes on homeowners in a given year. Ask them where they stand!


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