Tougher Fines, Safer Mines
: "EVER SINCE 12 WEST VIRGINIA men died in a coal mine explosion last month, the federal government's mine safety agency has been working overtime to shore up its damaged reputation. The Mine Safety and Health Administration has issued sheaves of press releases announcing how it backs the miners union's effort to play a role in the investigation, or how it's 'aggressively' testing a device to locate missing coal workers. More recently, and more important, it announced that, pending congressional approval, the maximum fine for safety infractions at mines would nearly quadruple, from $60,000 to $220,000."
What mine in West Virginia ever received a Maximum fine?
If a large Consol mine gets a $220,000.00 they will be ok. If they impose a fine like that against the small mines their
out of business and a bunch of guys are on welfare so the Tax payers end up with the tab. Impose a large fine on a small operater and he done. Impose a large fine on Consol and they will buy someone off in the Government and keep on mineing with less competition too.Im not sure these large fines are the solution although it's tempting.
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