Monday, February 27, 2006

Commissioner Ron Watson Responds to Gundovald

Harrison County Commissioner, Ron Watson, responded to Gundovald's comments on the property tax issues facing the local property owners. He sent this note on Friday and like a good vice-presidential aspirant, I chose not to release it until tonight. I have "X-out" his personal phone number in keeping with my desire to extend some degree of privacy to any Gundovald-Speaks communicant. What follows is from Mr Watson:

"Thanks for your comments and introducing me to blogging. This is my first.

With regard to your articles concerning the tax freezing action the Commission took Thursday and the question of when is the right time, I submit to you that the right time was yesterday and that was long over due. There should be NO hardship on any any agency, city, school board, etc. One can not prepare a budget until they know the numbers and that doesn't happen until the Commission sets the levy rates in March. With over 30 plus years in government I'm sure each of them have an abundance of supplus funds that they have hidden to where only they know. I will be more than glad to help them review their budgets (revenues & expenses) and show them ways to do more with less.

For those who want to cry foul....shame on them. How wrong can it be to be fair and upfront with the people they serve, the taxpayer. Many of your elected/appointed officials seem to forget who they work for. They don't own government, you do.

I'm not your typical elected official. My purpose for seeking office was to truly give back to my community. Harrison County is my roots and I came back home to stay till the end. I have been blessed over the years to have gained the experience, education, knowledge, skills and abilities needed to make a difference in our local government. The day of power brokers (king makers) is a thing of the past and so is the good ole'boy back room decision making. I feel that I speak for the silent majority who are afraid to speak out because they think they can't make a difference. I see my role as that of a coach and cheerleader. To be the sacifical lamb in bring about positive change. It's time for the taxpayers to step forward and send the message to a government that they don't respect or trust, to sound out loud and clear that they are mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore.

Your County Commission is truly an out of the box TEAM. Over the past three years we have explored options on how to provide tax relief that would be fair to all. Last year for the first time in many years the Commission rolled back the levy rate by 3%. But who noticed since the valuations had increased. This was also an option this year but who would have last year, no one. The action and timing Thursday is what it is. Where do we go from here is anybody's quess. Hopefully the decision makers can find better methods in which to address tax issues. If not expect your Commission to continue to be trend setters.

As a side bar, the Commission finds no fault in the Assessors action. That office is only doing what the State Tax Department and WV State Code mandates. Likewise, the Commission is acting upon what we feel is our duty and responsibility. Let the chips fall where they fall. As one Commission, my intent is to continue to speak out and to bring relief to the taxpayer where ever I can. I know who I work

Please give me a call, home/office. I would like to meet you and get more in depth on how to move our county and government forward. My home number is XXX-XXXX.

Ron Watson, "committed to a government that is open, responsive and accountable to the citizens of Harrison County"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this guy is a straight shooter.

2/27/2006 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great conversation with Gundovald and Commissioner Watson....

2/27/2006 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Watson, Mr. Angotti, and Mr. Diaz. I like the way you operate!

3/06/2006 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for Mr. Ron Watson. My family voted for you, but sorry to say we did not when you ran against Jimmy Jack. We sit around at sunday dinners and talk about all the good you could of done for our county as our sherriff. You are a smart well educated man with real wholesome values. You are truely for everyone. We look to see you as the President of the United States one day.

3/07/2006 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Harrison Co Commission. Someone has to take a stand, and you did...whether it holds up.. that is to see in the future, but at least you tried.

3/09/2006 12:04:00 AM  

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